I discovered I like to prune! There's something to be said for taking a SHARP pair of pruning shears in hand and attacking a vine with conviction - total feeling of control (praying all the time, you don't get carried away and kill the thing!)...fortunately, grape vines are hardy enough to withstand almost anything. The two classes I took covered head, cane and cordon pruning as well as techniques for pruning to promote vine balance. I got so excited over my early success (got an A in the class) that I announced to my teacher I wanted to get good enough to enter Sonoma County's Pruning Championship. She brought me back down to earth by telling me that even my classmate Eduardo, who can prune at a speed that makes me dizzy, would be left in the dust by those who have been doing it for 20-30 years. Well, I guess I have all the time in the world...
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